About CSE Department

The Vodithala Educational Society was formed with the objective to establish, aid and maintain education and other institutions, to impart education at all  stages for  the promotion of engineering, literature, arts and sciences, and all other subjects for diffusion of useful knowledge in  Andhra Pradesh  and anywhere in India and to devise ways  and  means and  accord facilities  for  candidates  to specialize  in all or any of  the above subjects. VES is rendering yeoman service in the field of education for fervent seekers of knowledge by providing quality education and service to students.

            A non-profit Society, the VES has members drawn from elected public representatives, engineers, doctors and entrepreneurs.  The members pioneered the spread of education in general and  to make technical education in particular accessible  to  students  hailing  from  backward  areas  of  Telangana  region  of   A.P. and also to such students in Maharastra. Providing KG to PG educational facilities for the rural  people  of  Karimnagar  and adjoining districts, of A.P. is the major AIM of Vodithala Educational Society. For the fulfillment of this aim VES  is  also running  a  School, a Junior College  and  a  Degree  College  with  latest  combinations at affordable cost at their native place, Singapur.
B.Tech (CSE, ECE, IT, EEE, ME)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
  The department of C.S.E. has been started in the year 1997 with an intake of 40 students and subsequently has been enhanced to 90. The department comprises  of efficient teaching faculty and most of them are M.Tech, with well experienced supporting staff. There are 5 fully established computer labs equipped with 190 systems and 2 Mbps of unlimited internet facility. There is a Department Library with 300 books, 17 Educational videos and 116 SONET CDs and NPTEL video lectures. Department has educational channels facility like EKALAVYA, MANA TV

The following are the labs  in the department with an investment   of Rs.87, 92,000.
       · C ++  Lab
       · JAVA Lab
       · JKC Lab
       · Computer Centre
        · English Language & Communication  Skills Lab    
    The Department takes initiative in conducting training programs for students as well as for the staff. Training programs were organized on OOAD & UML, ORACLE for other college faculty. Recently the Department organized A Two Day Workshop on SOFTWARE TESTING for the students with the help of Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad and A Two day technical fest “CLOSURE’09” where the talent of all the students exposed.
  some more activities  ·         1st Jan 2009
        The department started “HELP HELPLESS” mission as a social welfare activity. On this day, the team volunteers and staff went to “MALLIKAMBA MANOVIKASA KENDRAM, HANAMKONDA (the school for mentally retarded  students) “  and donated 30 fiber chairs, distributed fruits, cakes to the mentally handicapped children.
·         7th Jan 2009
      With help of “NIRMAAN” organization department arranged “SWAMI VIVEKANANDA’S YUVA SANKALP” program, the member of that organization gave a speech on swami VIVEKANADA, distributed the VIVEKNANDA’s books to all the students of all the departments of the college.
·         26th Jan 2009
         “HELP HELPLESS” the team volunteers and staff went to “SPACE (orphanage for blind children) “and celebrated the Republic Day with blind children and distributed them fruits, chocolates and sweets.
·         29th Jan 2009
        Department arranged a seminar for the students who want to study in Canada. Uma Venkatraman, Director & Immigration Advisor, CSIC and Venky Subramaniam, Director-OSSS gave useful information about studies and opportunities in CANADA.
·         17th & 18th Feb 2009
       Department arranged two day workshop on “SOFTWARE TESTING” for the students. Prof M.L.SAI KUMAR, IPE-INDIA gave the lectures.
·         18th Feb 2009
      M.L.SAI KUMAR, IPE-INDIA gave a seminar for the teaching faculty on the topic “Teaching Methodologies and techniques”.
·         6th & 7th Mar 2009
       Department conducted a state level two day student technical festival CloSurE - 09 for all the engineering students of all branches of all colleges.       ·         15th Aug 2009
      “HELP HELPLESS” the team volunteers and staff went to “OASIS ORPHANAGE “conducted games, sports to orphans and distributed prizes for winners, arranged Lunch to them and donated a Music system to orphanage. 
  ·         25th Aug 2009                           Department arranged a blood camp with help of Red Cross Society. 200 units blood was collected.    ·         28th Aug 2009       “HELP HELPLESS” the team volunteers distributed “SWINE – FLU” prevention homeopathy medicine for free to all the students staff of our college.       The same medicine was freely distributed to MALLIKAMBA MANOVIKASA KENDRAM, OASIS ORPHANAGE and SPACE BLIND SCHOOL.